Red Cross Calls for Collaboration to Tackle Hunger in Africa

August 11, 2023

The International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) is calling for financial collaboration in the face of intensifying hunger in sub-Saharan Africa.

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The return of coups d’état in Africa, civil wars such as the one in Sudan, terrorism and the European conflict have intensified food insecurity in the subcontinent, which was already suffering the effects of climate change and the aftermath of the pandemic.

The Red Cross is seeking about 245 million dollars to help alleviate extreme hunger in more than 15 countries in the region. In concrete terms, the institution hopes to be able to assist about 7.7 million people.

“Sub-Saharan Africa is suffering one of its biggest food crises in decades, affecting millions of vulnerable populations in the region,” the IFRC has spoken out to the public to raise awareness and promote governmental, institutional and private initiatives that contribute to achieving a real impact on improving the survival of these vulnerable populations.

Today, the IFRC continues to be present in those areas most affected by hunger on the African continent. In Niger and Sudan, countries involved in a deep security crisis, the IFRC has maintained its presence despite the risks threatening its members.

The institution also maintains a permanent presence in countries such as Angola, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Djibouti, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Mauritania and Zimbabwe.

In its statement, the IFRC warns that in the Sahel region, the number of people in food insecurity has quadrupled since 2015 and currently amounts to about 30 million people.

“Hunger is one of the biggest causes of and violation of human rights that exists all over the planet. The lack of access to basic foods means limiting the development possibilities of people and countries. It also negatively conditions the right to health, security and equal opportunities”, the federation explains on its official website, where it analyzes the devastating effects of the food crisis.

Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the highest hunger prevalence rate on the planet. The IFRC estimates that about 240 million people do not have access to adequate and healthy food. In this context, one in three children under 5 years of age suffers from acute malnutrition and 2 out of 5 breastfeeding women suffer from anemia.

Among many of the assistance projects to hunger and famine situations, the IFRC is developing an initiative that began in 2022 and is projected until 2024, which works to improve and diversify agricultural production, resources and drinking water sanitation; develops the promotion of a nutritional culture adapted to the characteristics of each locality and trains in food risk management.


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