‘Send home all foreign troops!’— peace-loving youth groups assert on the 8th anniversary of arbitral ruling on WPS –

July 13, 2024

On the 8th anniversary of the International Arbitral Tribunal’s decision in favor of the Philippines over its maritime rights in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), rights defenders and youth groups urged for the withdrawal not only of China but also the United States, Japan, and other foreign troops from the country.

“We call for Marcos Jr. to dismantle all U.S. mtary bases and weapons caches, send home all foreign troops, de-escalate tensions in the WPS, and commit to peaceful negotiations with China,” said Ysabelle Briones, spokesperson for Y4JP.

Along with peace-loving youth groups, Y4JP trooped to the Chinese Consulate to push the Marcos Jr. administration for demilitarization and the expulsion of foreign troops in the country.

Brief on the WPS issue

The 2016 arbitral ruling, which is a milestone victory for the Philippines under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), should serve as the foundation for peaceful dialogue between the Philippines and China regarding the disputed waters in the WPS. However, over the past few years, China has repeatedly disregarded the rule of law in favor of its “nine-dash line”.

Since 1800s, China has increased its presence and activities by building civilian and military infrastructures over multiple shoals and reefs in the disputed waters. Such assertions is furtherd with aggression that provoked neighboring ASEAN countries including Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The Spratly chain, which lied within the country’s 200-mile exclusive economic zone and is about 80 kilometers from Palawan, is constantly being guarded by Chinese Coast Guard (CGG). Nine of the artificial islands in the Spratly chain belonged to the Philippines.

According to reports, the Spratly chain is home to abundant marine life resources that provide fishing livelihoods to neighboring ASEAN regions. There are also explorations in the islands for oil and natural gas reserves.

As early as 2010, local Filipino fishermen have reported multiple instances of harassment by CGG and maritime militia which have affected their livelihoods.

“Eight years since the PCA ruled in favor of the Philippines’ EEZ, we are still unable to fully control and utilize the marine resources in our territorial waters. Worse, other foreign military powers have been entering the picture, further escalating the tensions,” said PAMALAKAYA in a statement.

Bearing banners and Philippine flags, PAMALAKAYA along with Atin Ang Pilipinas coalition held a fluvial protest in Subic town in Zambales and floated a life-size replica of the cover page of the ruling erected on a fishing buoy, symbolizing an installation of the document in the EEZ.

Added tensions

“We are here today to demand that we do not want to be part and used as cannon fodder in the war between the US and China,” said Briones.

As tensions grew in the WPS, supply missions are being conducted by Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) with the help of the US military.

According to Briones, tensions have intensified due to continuous military exercises and recent joint military engagements conducted by the US and its allies within Philippine territory.

Last September 2023, the Marcos Jr. administration participated in the trilateral meeting between US and Japan during the Unted Nations General Assembly High-level Week to reaffirm commitment in promotion of peace and stability in the disputed waters in East and South China Sea.

The following month, the Philippines secured a P235 million grant from Japan’s Official Security Assistance (OSA) for a coastal surveillance radar for the Philippine Navy.

This year, on the eve of the trilateral summit in April, the US approved an $8.1 billion emergency aid package for key Indo-Pacific allies, including the Philippines. The package allocates nearly $4 billion in security assistance to Taiwan, the Philippines, and other allies, $1.9 billion to replenish US stocks depleted by aid to Asian allies, and $3.3 billion for submarine infrastructure and additional provisions.

An amendment also introduced the Philippines Enhanced Resilience Act of 2024 (PERA Act) to provide an additional $2.5 billion (P141.3 billion) in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) grant assistance to boost Philippine defense from 2025 to 2029.

The Philippines is the largest recipient of U.S. military assistance in the Indo-Pacific, receiving an annual $40 million to enhance defense capabilities including procurement of planes, armored vehicle, military equipment as well as the support to the AFP modernization.

Aside from this, Briones asserted to invoke the mutual defense treaties to de-escalate tensions in the WPS.

“The Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA), which is another militaristic response between the Philippines and Japan, only added fuel to the already heated tensions in the WPS. Instead of defending and claiming our waters through peaceful means in line with our victory at IAT, President Marcos Jr. is continuing what former President Duterte did, treating our hard-won victory as mere trash or paper,” Briones added.

On July 8, the Philippines and Japan signed RAA to allow PH-Japan joint military training on the framework of the US-led Quadrilateral Security Dialogue.

Briones slammed Marcos Jr. for allowing Japan’s heightened intervension which could lead to the country in becoming more dependent on foreign capital.

“Should we wait to be bombed or for innocent people to die in our country? I challenge everyone hearing my voice to join us in calling for a peaceful resolution to our issue in the WPS through peaceful dialogue with China. For this to happen, we need to remove foreign powers from our country. There is no place for exploitative foreigners in the Philippines,” Briones emphasized.

“Our message is loud and clear: We do not want to be another Ukraine or Gaza! We do not want our lives and future to be jeopardized by the interests of a few,” she added.

Drawing a sharp line

“Perhaps some of you are wondering why we are still raising the call #FreePalestine at the gates of the Chinese Embassy today. Our answer: It is clear that the struggles of the Filipino and Palestinian peoples are interconnected, if not intertwined, in their fight for complete freedom,” said Karl Suyat of Youth for Palestine Makati allied to Y4JP.

Suyat noted that there are two things that bind the struggle between the Philippines and Palestine: US imperialism and the shared desire to liberate the countries from violence and occupation.

He said that the US and China conflict in treating the WPS issue as the launching pad for their war is the same way that US-backed Israel continue to use the land of the Palestinians as a laboratory for occupation and violence.

“We oppose the presence of US troops and war weapons in our country, allegedly boasted to fight China, while also opposing America’s support for the wanton bloodshed in Gaza and opposing the presence of CCG ships in the WPS. We oppose war, genocide, and US incitement to ignite multiple wars in many parts of the world,” Suyat added.

According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, more than 38,000 Palestinians have been killed and 2.3 million were driven away from their homes since Israel launched its military offensive on October 7 Hamas attacks.

Briones sought accountability from the Marcos Jr. administration and further challenges all Filipino youth and citizens to join the struggle for national sovereignty.

“It is our challenge to awaken the patriotic spirit of our fellow Filipinos, so that we fully understand and desire to defend our national sovereignty. And no one, no matter how big their tanks and weapons are, can extinguish the burning fighting spirit and patriotism of the Filipino people struggling for true sovereignty and complete liberation,” Briones said.

“The Philippines is for Filipinos! Palestine is for Palestinians! It is just to reject Israel’s occupation, China’s aggression, and US interference in our countries. It is just to stand against the wars of imperialist nations and fight for the complete freedom of our country from the clutches of foreign powers,” Suyat added.

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