Shiites Support Palestine in Rallies in Yemen and Bahrain

October 7, 2023

On Saturday, thousands of Yemenis and Bahrainis gathered in Sanaa and Manama in support of Palestinian militias and the Islamist group Hamas, which carried out a surprise attack by air, land, and sea against Israel and its occupation forces.


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The Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen, who have controlled Sanaa and extensive regions in the north and center of the country since 2014, declared a “state of popular and comprehensive military readiness in preparation for any field development that requires direct involvement alongside the Palestinian people and their brave resistance.”

Thousands of their supporters congregated in the historic Bab al Yemen district in the heart of the capital, chanting slogans against Israel and the United States.

They also carried banners bearing phrases like “With Our Soul and Blood” and “We Sacrifice for Al-Aqsa,” a mosque located in the Temple Mount area of East Jerusalem, a city occupied by Israel since 1967.

The text reads, “Demonstration in Yemen in support of the Palestinians’ action in Israel.”

In Bahrain, where the majority of the population adheres to the Shiite branch of Islam, hundreds of people defied the government-imposed ban on protests and took to the streets in the western neighborhoods of Manama, echoing similar slogans.

“The U.S. is the Great Satan,” “Your Army Will Be Defeated,” chanted the Bahraini protesters, who also rejected the normalization of relations between Arab countries and Israel.

Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates were among the last Arab countries to sign peace agreements with Israel in 2020, through the Abraham Accords mediated by Washington.

Hezbollah and the Bahraini Shiite opposition group Al-Wifaq also celebrated the acts of resistance against Israeli state terrorism led by Hamas.

According to the latest available information, Israeli airstrikes in Gaza have left at least 198 Palestinians dead and 1,160 people injured. Meanwhile, Palestinian resistance attacks have resulted in 150 deaths in Israel.

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