Solidarity with the people of Nicaragua on their 45th anniversary of independence against the US fascist puppet Somoza regime

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) International Relations Office congratulates the people of Nicaragua, under the able leadership of President Daniel Ortega and the FSLN (El Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional), on its 45th anniversary of independence, after the Nicaraguan people ousted the US fascist puppet Somoza regime.

The Nicaraguan national democratic revolution serves as an inspiration and beacon of hope for Filipino revolutionaries and people who are still in a revolutionary war against the US puppet Marcos Jr. regime.

The Nicaraguan and Filipino people have a common history of hundreds of years of Spanish colonial domination and decades of US rule and continuing intervention.

After the nationwide victory of the Nicaraguan  revolution in 1979, US imperialism continued its intervention in Nicaragua, through the Contras, funding counterrevolutionary organizations in the guise of ‘human rights advocacy’, in the elections, and imposing economic sanctions causing extreme difficulties for the masses and sabotaging economic development.

Similarly, US imperialist control of the Philippine economy, the neocolonial state, and the military engendered an underdeveloped pre-industrial economy causing widespread poverty and dependence.

The US-controlled Philippine puppet state ensures unbridled plunder of the country’s natural resources and semifeudal landlessness, and frustrates the desire of Filipinos for genuine national industrialization. More recently, Marcos Jr. has allowed US imperialism to further use the Philippines as part of its forward  base in its war preparations against China.

US imperialism is the common principal enemy of the Nicaraguan and Filipino people. The struggle against US imperialism therefore is the strongest basis of unity amongst our peoples.

Down with US imperialism!

Long live the Nicaraguan and Filipino solodarity!

Hasta la victoria siempre!

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International People's Front

The International Peoples' Front, or IPF, is a united front organized at the international level to mobilize organizations and individuals from the local, national, and international levels to coordinate, cooperate, assist, and together fight imperialism and its agents in all forms.

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