Stop the Attacks on the Indigenous Peoples of Nepal!

The International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL) condemns the violence and repression against the Indigenous Peoples of Eastern Nepal in their peaceful protests on the withdrawal of “Koshi” as the province name of their territories. 

During these peaceful protests in March and May, the state’s violent actions caused injuries, arrests, and death to Indigenous Peoples asserting their rights to their customary land and territories. The police opened fire, used teargas, beat on protesters, and shut down electricity and phone networks despite the peaceful conduct of protests. At least 45 people were injured, 1 died, 31 were arrested and eventually released, and a number still faces criminal charges. 

The peaceful protests against naming Province 1 “Koshi” stems from the 2015 Constitution that failed to include provisions to securely respect the rights of Indigenous Peoples. Article 295.2 of the 2015 Consitutition authorizes two third majority of the provincial legislature to decide on the name of the province that is currently represented by the ruling political parties and caste groups. With the government imposing such steps, it perpetuates the colonial system of violence, conquest and erasure of Indigenous Peoples’ culture, identities, and histories.

As we stand in solidarity, the International IPMSDL is one in rejecting the name “Koshi” and asserting their right to self-determination by upholding their agency to govern, manage and decide on matters of their ancestral lands,  territories, ways of life and tradition. 

We call to immediately stop the repressive attacks on the IP, investigate all the rights violations committed, hold the police and state forces accountable, and swiftly deliver justice to those killed, injured, jailed and criminalized.#

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International People's Front

The International Peoples' Front, or IPF, is a united front organized at the international level to mobilize organizations and individuals from the local, national, and international levels to coordinate, cooperate, assist, and together fight imperialism and its agents in all forms.

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