The Mexico-US Border Displays the Immigration Crisis

September 25, 2023

Mexico’s northern border is now reflecting a new humanitarian crisis in the country, brought about by a fresh wave of migration. This surge has led to disruptions in freight train services due to accidents involving migrants, protests, and clashes between foreigners and Mexican and U.S. authorities.


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The issue is primarily centered in the metropolitan area of Juarez in Mexico and El Paso in Texas, where a camp housing 500 migrants has already been established on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande.

Due to customs capacity limitations, it has also resulted in losing millions of dollars in stranded cargo. Simultaneously, as a greater volume of Central American and Caribbean migrants continue to arrive, they are growing to believe that achieving the “American dream” has become more attainable.

On Friday, following a meeting between representatives from all three levels of the Mexican Government, migration and municipal police vehicles patrolled along the Bravo River, where migrants have gathered. They apprehended those who did not possess a legal permit.

The Mexican Government does not have an estimate of how many migrants are currently in Ciudad Juarez, as hundreds arrive without registration daily, and it remains uncertain how many successfully enter the U.S.

Activists point out that shelters operate at maximum capacity, with nearly 2,400 individuals awaiting appointments with immigration authorities to regularize their status. Additionally, over 5,000 migrants reside in rented houses, abandoned buildings, and streets.

Ivonne Lopez, Human Rights Coordinator of the Migrant’ House, one of the shelters assisting mobile individuals, indicated that they are facing a humanitarian crisis as they are ill-prepared to accommodate the current influx of migrants on the northern border.

“The three levels of government must propose a program or reforms to address these situations, as they negatively impact the population of Ciudad Juarez. They come here out of necessity, not by choice,” added the activist.

According to Border Patrol data, the average number of encounters with individuals crossing into the U.S. illegally increased by 31 percent in September, with 23,500 more encounters this month. In August, the figure was 25,236 cases, averaging 814 per day.

Francisco Garduño, commissioner of the National Migration Institute (INM), attributed the crisis to the U.S. government, stating that it is already affecting this border region’s economic and social aspects.

“We are not the problem. The problem is the U.S… Appointments at the embassy and the U.S. Consulate are scheduled for two years from now, which is a bureaucracy even more cumbersome than an elephant,” he expressed.

The business sector has expressed concern, as, during the week, over US$500 million worth of stranded cargo could not be exported. On Friday, a line of at least 8 kilometers of loaded trailers was still waiting outside the Zaragoza-Ysleta crossing to enter El Paso, Texas.

“I believe we need to explore alternative solutions… If you ask the authorities how many people are here, we do not know. It is a significant problem for the migrants and us, the local population, as we are unsure how to assist,” said Thor Salayandia Lara, the vice president of Maquiladora and Borders at the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry.

The industrial leader questioned the authorities for allowing the problem to escalate to a level that is beginning to affect the competitiveness of Ciudad Juarez and the entire border area, which heavily relies on foreign trade.

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