The Palestinian Struggle for Liberation Takes On New Heights

At the early light of 7 October 2023, Palestinians broke through the Gaza siege by land, sea and air. It came on the 50th anniversary of the 1973 war when Egypt retook Sinai from Zionist occupation. This resistance is not unprovoked. It is spurred by decades of ethnic cleansing, genocide, displacement, and daily aggression by Zionist Israel.

The Palestinian resistance is taking on new heights not only for Gaza but also in the West Bank and all occupied lands. It is a call for liberation for the Palestinian people and all under Israeli attack especially in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq.

The flaunted “iron dome” of Israel is pierced. Walls and fences were breached. The “rock solid” US support for Israel is crumbling even with the $158 billion in US assistance to Israel in its entire history. US-brokered “normalization” of Arab relations with Israel is shaken. The grand scheme of US imperialism with Zionist Israel to control the people and resources in the so-called “greater Middle East” is further eroded.

Even the United Nations failed to implement its own previous resolutions on the right to resist and self-determination including UN Resolutions 3236 which reaffirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, national independence and sovereignty, and the right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property and UN Resolution 2625 which provides further development of the right to self-determination.

No amount of weaponry, high-tech intelligence, and sophisticated hardware can stop the resolute Palestinian people’s resistance

The US has dispatched the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group, including the guided missile cruiser USS Normandy and four guided-missile destroyers, to the Eastern Mediterranean. Israel has amassed 100,000 troops at the border, called 300,000 reservists and bombardment into densely populated Gaza in two days killing over 400 Palestinians including 78 children.

US intervention can escalate the situation into a regional aggression

While militant Palestinian groups hold dozens of Israeli soldiers and illegal settlers, most of whom are militarily trained and armed, the Zionist regime has imprisoned over 8,000 Palestinians including 39 women and 170 children, with over three thousand administratively held without charges.

The corruption-laden rightist coalition of Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu supported by US president Joe Biden, who is embroiled in domestic crisis, and their European allies including Britain, Germany, France and Italy have nothing to show to the world but greater aggressive attacks on the Palestinian people.

Meanwhile, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have called for restraint

The war will not end and no peace will be sustainable without addressing the root causes of settler colonialism and oppression. People’s resistance is imperative to address these root causes and liberate the people, to create deterrence against daily Israeli violations that go by with impunity, and to end the sanctions.

Only a more united and stiffer resistance by the Palestinians and the solidarity of all oppressed peoples can stop this new wave of imperialist and Zionist aggression.

We therefore call on all the ILPS member organizations, networks, friends and the international community to organize mobilizations and mass actions in solidarity with the just cause of the Palestinian people.

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!


Len Cooper
ILPS Chairperson

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