Venezuela: A New International Economic Order Key for WT | News

June 16, 2023

On Thursday, in Russia, on the XXVI ST. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2023, Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, said that the construction of a new international economic order is part of the key to the regionalization of world trade.


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“The call is to de-dollarize international trade, the crude oil trade (…), we are already beginning to see Arab countries and Gulf countries, which are beginning to sell their crude oil and gas in currencies other than the US dollar,” Rodríguez said.

Rodríguez also acknowledged the strengthening of bilateral relations between Russia and Venezuela, stating that “through cooperation relations, friendly relations, we have been able to increase the participation in the trade flow between Russia and our country”.

“A BRICS country, such as China, where Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa also participate, points to economic leadership, since 2017, becoming the largest economy in the world,” the Venezuelan Vice President added.

During her speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2023 (SPIEF) on Thursday, the Executive Vice President of the Republic, 
@delcyrodriguezv again called for a reconfiguration of the global financial order.


“We see a new reconfiguration where the Eurasian region resumes its position of historical leadership,” Rodríguez said, adding “Let’s move forward for a new international economic order of justice, balance, inclusion and compensation.”

“Another fundamental task is to create new payment channels different from this network created by the American SWIFT”, she stated when speaking about the oil market.

Official records show that, more than 100 delegations and nations of the world in the SPIEF 2023 were present in the forum.

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