Global Campaign to Return to Palestine’s Spokeperson: Facts to hold onto amidst the dangerous period of Apartheid

February 21, 2024

Voices of Resistance: Stop the Genocide! | November 14, 2023 Organizers: International League of People’s Struggle and People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty

Dr. Abdul Malek Sukkariyah is the spokesperson of the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine, a network of non-government organizations that support the Palestinian cause both in the Arab region and around the world. It has representatives and partners in over 45 countries around the world that advocate the Palestinian cause and especially the right of return.

Dear friends, greetings to you from Lebanon, the northern Palestinian front. All thanks and appreciation to the International League of People’s Struggle and People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty for organizing this meeting which expresses the unity of the people of the world in confronting the forces of every imperialist and colonialist.

Dear friends, what’s happening today in Gaza is unprecedented massacres in the current era. And a Zionist assault on all aspects of life. And combined with an absolute American and Western green light and all kinds of support. 

Dear friends, the project of establishing the Zionist entity was a means of solving one of Europe’s biggest problems by exporting it to other places and turning it into an opportunity and investment as well. From here, we understand the desire of Western regimes to protect this illegal functional entity which represents the greatest tool in securing colonial interest. Therefore, we consider Western governments to be actual partners in the massacre taking place in the land of Gaza these days. They are the ones fighting there not only with the weapons, equipment, diplomats, and money but also with their soldiers and officers personally. This imperialist political and military scene is accompanied by a similar scene on the media level in order to support various lies and narratives that distort the image of the honorable stallion of the Palestinian resistance, to the point of accusing it of attacking its Palestinian people. And targeting hospitals and ambulances, in addition to diminishing the true picture of the Palestinian’s national struggle.

Dear friends, through this data, it’s possible to talk about the four important roles [amidst] this dangerous stage. It’s a multi-dimensional role that includes stating the following facts and disseminating them to all people. One: the confrontation that the Palestinian people are waging today in the face of the brutal Zionist army supported globally is a confrontation between an entire people who want to liberate their land and the settler colonialists. Two, the Zionist entity represents the head of the global imperialist project, and Palestine is the first trench of confrontation between all the free people of the world and those seeking justice and peace for oppressed people on the one hand and the global imperialist powers on the other side. And all the free people of the world are concerned with this battle because they are truly and truly involved in it. Three, the people of the world must have their position and loud voice in this confrontation. All intellectuals and activists must support the important movement witnessed by various countries of the world, and work to invest this positive energy to liberate world public opinion, which is the greatest victim of the Zionist imperialist lies. To transform this popular movement became an impetus for confronting the global imperialist project and supporting revolutionary forces, most notably the Palestinian resistance. Fourth, informing people about the horror of the crimes committed by the Zionist imperialist alliance against the Palestinian people in all the Palestinian territories, and raising awareness of the importance of supporting the resistance in Gaza and and in all the Palestinian territories: West Bank, Jerusalem, and Palestinians in 1948 living in that area. 

Dear friends, within the framework of this vision, the global campaign to return to Palestine works as a comprehensive coordination framework for civil society.

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