
US Military Presence in the Asia Pacific

The United States continues to be the world’s top military spender. It spent USD 877 billion in 2022, surpassing the military expenditures of the succeeding ten countries combined (SIPRI, 2022). The billions of dollars are spent on producing war materiel, investing in
July 26, 2023

Are there less poor Filipinos? – IBON Foundation

We’ve seen social media posts where someone pretends to complain about being tired from traveling with a carefully composed picture subtly hinting at their business class experience – but not too subtly. Pres. Marcos Jr opened the 2024 state of the nation
July 26, 2024

Landless speak out vs World Bank Land Conference

Rural peoples’ organizations worldwide denounced land policies of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank that enabled corporate land grabs and resource plunder in a global speakout held 13 May 2024, the first day of the WB Land Conference 2024. The “Global
July 22, 2024

Karapatan Monitor for January to June 2024

July 18, 2024 FERDINAND MARCOS JR.’S RANK HYPOCRISY AND DENIALISM IN THE FACE OF ESCALATING HUMAN RIGHTS AND IHL VIOLATIONS Rank hypocrisy and denialism marked the first six months of 2024 under the Marcos Jr. regime. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delved into his
July 18, 2024

Roque’s claim on ‘revoked’ SMNI franchise misleads

The franchise of news outlet Sonshine Media Network International (SMNI) has not been revoked under Marcos Jr.’s administration, contrary to a claim made by former presidential spokesperson Harry Roque. His statement about the “detention” of SMNI anchors lacks context. STATEMENT In a
July 16, 2024

Clips of U.S. military in Poland exercise, NOT WPS

Snippets from a military exercise in Poland have been uploaded and passed off as the United States forces in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) amid rising tensions with China. A reader asked VERA Files to fact-check the circulating two-minute and 23-second video
July 15, 2024
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