Rise for Palestine! Rage against the US-Israel’s genocidal war and occupation!

November 6, 2023

Solidarity campaign of the People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty (PCFS) for Palestine

As days of US-Israel’s genocidal war turn to weeks and weeks turn to a month, the justness of the Palestinian cause has never been starker.

After 75 years of occupying the Palestinian land, and with the political and military backing of the imperialist US and allies in Europe and the Middle East, the Zionist state of Israel has escalated its subjugation of the Palestinian people with an all-out genocidal war. Almost a month since Israel’s war declaration on 7 October 2023, more than 9,000 Palestinians have been martyred – two out of every five of which are children – while more than 32,000 in Gaza and 2,000 in the West Bank have been wounded. Israeli settler violence against Palestinians and military raids in the West Bank are also escalating. Its genocidal war has spilled over to Lebanon’s border, with thousands in South Lebanon forced to flee for their safety.

Israel’s war crimes have become more unhinged by the day: the targeted bombings of hospitals, schools, refugee camps, UN shelters, and other civilian facilities; the killings of journalists – 36 to date; the use of white phosphorus in populated areas of Gaza and Lebanon; the telecommunications blackout; and the “total siege” of Gaza after 16 years of land, sea and air blockade, cutting off medical supplies, food, drinking water, and fuel.

Even before this war broke out, more than 60% of the Gaza population was already food insecure. Now, the whole 2.3 million population in the Gaza Strip is starved as part of Israel’s military tactic, on top of its bombs and on-ground attacks. More than 1.5 million Palestinians have now been displaced, while more than 10,000 were deported by Israel back to the war zone that is Gaza.

The international community is condemning Israel’s barbaric attacks, and the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling for an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce” with 120 UN member states voting in favor, yet Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not budge. He is dead set to wipe out Hamas – along with the whole Palestinian race. This is unacceptable.

The People’s Coalition of Food Sovereignty (PCFS) vehemently condemns the Zionist Israel apartheid state and its allies, especially the US, for all their evil atrocities. We support the urgent call for a ceasefire to save the Palestinian people from the ongoing Israeli genocide. But ultimately, we join the Palestinian people in their struggle for total liberation and historical justice: that the Palestinian right to return should be respected and realized, and that the Israeli state should be held accountable for its illegitimate occupation and inhumane war crimes over the past 75 years.

As we mark a month into this bloodshed, we shall #RiseForPalestine in solidarity and show our collective rage against the US-Israel genocidal war and occupation! ###



1) Urgent Appeal on the Palestinian Struggle for Liberation and Food Sovereignty: bit.ly/PalestineLiberationAndFoodSovereignty

The Arab Network on Food Sovereignty (ANFS) and the PCFS are calling organizations to support this urgent appeal calling for immediate humanitarian assistance in Gaza and against the weaponization of food in war accordance with international law. 

This was originally drafted by the ANFS in its capacity as the West Asia Constituency representative for the adoption of the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSIPM) for relations with the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS). However, because of lacking transparency, democracy, and honest solidarity in the platform’s processes, ANFS pulled out the statement and has decided to circulate it independently with the PCFS.

2) November 7 to 14 #RiseForPalestine global week of solidarity

November 7 marks the first month of the US-Israel’s genocidal war. On this day, we call our members and network to express our solidarity to the Palestinian people and remember their martyrs.

  • Urge our governments to call for an end to the Israeli genocide.
  • Hold protests at local US and EU embassies.
  • Boycott corporations complicit in the Israeli apartheid.
  • Proactively support Palestinian peoples’ right to return.
    • Organize local activities that educate the public on the Palestinian struggle.
    • Be vocal on-ground and online; join the social media rally and post photos/videos of your protest actions or activities and messages of solidarity.

3) Voices of Resistance: Stop the Genocide! on November 14: bit.ly/RiseForPalestine

Time: 9AM La Paz / 3PM Luxembourg (CEST) / 4PM Amman & Kampala / 6:30PM New Delhi / 9PM Manila
Organizers: ILPS, PCFS, ANFS, APN, PANAP, and GPC

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