Spain’s General Elections: PP Fails to Obtain Absolute Majority

July 23, 2023

With 99.23 percent of the votes counted for Sunday’s general elections in Spain, the PP wins the elections but does not have an absolute majority; the PSOE holds on with a narrow margin.


Spain Update: Exit Polls Point to a Conservative Victory

The Popular Party is the party that obtains the most deputies, with 32.84 % of the votes (136 seats out of the 350 that make up the Congress of Deputies), while the Socialist Party practically equals it in votes with 31.81 % of the votes (122 seats). 

In third and fourth place are Vox (33 seats) and Sumar (31 seats), respectively.

The turnout has been high, at 70.23%, exceeding by 4 points the one registered in the 2019 elections, despite the fact that this is the first time that elections are held during summer.

The tweet reads, “Key points of the general elections in Spain: The PP wins but does not win an absolute majority with Vox despite increasing by 47 deputies. PSOE resists and wins 2 seats. Vox loses 19 seats but remains as 3rd force. Sumar wins 31 seats, 4 less than Podemos in 2019.”

The Popular Party has achieved an increase of 47 seats compared to 2019 and an increase in the percentage of votes of 11%. This is mainly due to the absorption of the votes of Ciudadanos, a party that did not run in the elections this time.

The Socialist Party increases by 2 deputies and 4.06% of votes.  Vox loses 19 seats in the Lower House and loses almost 3%, staying at 12.39%, far from its best mark in 2019, when it obtained 52 seats.

Sumar, occupies the space of Unidas Podemos and agglutinates up to 15 political formations, among them Podemos, Izquierda Unida, and Más País. With 31 seats, it obtained more than 12.26 % of the votes. This is 4 deputies less than Podemos obtained in 2019. 

The Socialist Party and Sumar celebrate the electoral result

The President of the Government and Socialist Leader, Pedro Sánchez, has thanked Spain because “we have shown the world that we are a strong democracy.” 

Sánchez has greeted his supporters from the Socialist Party headquarters in Madrid, and thanked “the more than seven million Spaniards who voted for the Spanish Socialist Workers Party.” “There are many more of us who want Spain to continue moving forward,” he said.

For her part, the leader of Sumar and vice president of the government, Yolanda Díaz, said that from her party they will continue working for a better country to “continue winning rights.” “Today I think that people will sleep more calmly; democracy today has won and comes out strengthened,” said the leader of Sumar. 

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